Multiple Index Pages?

  • Is it possible to perhaps have multiple pages that can be updated like the index page? Instead of having to update a whole new page?

    IE, I want to create three different pages for three different categories, and have each page update itself like the main page does when I post something. Is this possible?

  • The categories already have their own pages. Try clicking on the category links within your sidebar.

  • Then is there anyway to not have them show up on the main index, and only on their respective pages?

  • Not with the setup we have here.

  • Is it possible with a stand alone version? And if so, can I password protect certain “category pages” so only users of level I specifiy can see them?

  • /drmike whacks himeself in the head.

    Just figured it out.

    What we’re going to do is replace your front page. If you create a Page with what you want on the front, you can assign this to as the front page of your blog at Dashboard -> Options -> Reading -> Static Page. You might have to create an addional blank page to get this form to show up. Normally one would chose this blank Page for your posts but IIRC there’s nothing in the code that requires you to do so.

    If you put the categories widget in your sidebar, that will make your users use those links which, I believe is what you’re trying to get.

    As to Password Protecting individual categories, that’s still something we can’t do here. You might be able to do it with self hosted. I know the systems I lease out though (ie cPanel and Direct Admin) require you to actually have those subdirectories present within the file system. Not sure if you can do it virtually though. (It’s never come up for me.)

    Well, it’s a start. :)

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