Multi Blogs Hosted on 1 blog

  • I have 3 blogs with one as my main that hosts the other 2 blogs Fu flix is another blog u will find at header bar

    is it possible to have new posts from fu flix updated on the main blog soreelflix with out going to main blog to re post the new post from fu flix

    so my main goal is to have new post from the other blogs automatically update on the main blog soreelflix

    any way i can get this working

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Adding a custom link to other blogs inn you custom menu does not change where they are updated.

  • Sorry. Please let me try that again. Adding a custom link to other blogs into your custom menu on your main blog does not change where they are updated. Each one is updated on the applicable blog. The links to the other blogs on the main one are just that “links”, and yes when visitors click them they will connect to those blogs.

  • i know i was wondering if possible to have the new post to up dated on the main blog i linked the other blogs to so i dont have to repost new posst from the 2 blogs on to the main blog

    its confusing also confusing posting the Question lol

  • No you cannot do that. Each blog must be independently updated.

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