Moving to

  • I am a non techie person who has been abandoned by someone who I paid to move over the site. I have these issues that I am trying to handle on my own:

    1. Moving over my subscribers from the previous to (

    2. Different url’s for the posts – I had shared these posts on social media and some of them got very popular – now when I click on those links in LinkedIn or FB, the url’s are different – How can I make sure that the url’s are the same as before?

    3. Moving over some comments that have not appeared on the new hosting site – some have.

    I would appreciate so much if someone can help me with these. I have been scouring the internet for answers for the last 4-5 hours :(

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi macanx,
    Yes that is the blog it has reverted to now…before that it was
    But this is sorted now…the developer I used for the transfer took care of it…else I wonder how I would have managed it ..phew!!

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