Moving from to

  • I am considering making the transition from to and I have a friend who is a contributor on my blog. When I make the switch, will he be able to continue blogging with me on my blog? Is there anything special I have to do?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • When you export your blog, it will ask you to create him as an author and enter their details. It is pretty straight forward and once you move, you will find loads of support at the forums for .org downloads at and the Codex

  • Hello people. Any help from anybody will be much appreciated. We would love to move our domain from to Does any know how to do that? A step by step tutorial from anyone will be much appreciated. Again any help people:-)

  • @ramkat
    Do you have a domain-mapped blog at
    The step-by-step tutorial depends on where you host your blog, but essentially: Export your blog from Unmap the domain from your blog. Sign up with a new host e.g. bluehost or godaddy, and transfer the domain. Change the name servers. Do a wordpress install. Before importing your old blog, make sure you change the ‘permalink’ settings match those of your old blog. Import your blog, include file attachments. It should be ok now, but all image and file attachment links point to need to be edited one by one to point to their new location. That’s the basics, then you need to add all the plugins that you don’t see and that come automatically with, e.g. embedding videos, category clouds, etc. etc…..It is a time-consuming but ever so rewarding process, something best done on a rainy weekend when there’s nothing else to do.

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