Moving domain to another host.

  • Hey folks, how’s it going?

    I previously had an account & website with WordPress,, but I deactivated it in hopes of moving it to another host (GoDaddy).

    Unfortunately when I try to claim that domain on GoDaddy, it says it is taken which I presume is by the existing / previous WordPress website I had.

    I was wondering if there was a way to remove ownership from so that I can move it to GoDaddy & continue on with the domain that is my name.

    Would be super helpful as I’d like to create a portfolio website in my name.

  • Hi there,

    You should never cancel a domain when you want to use it elsewhere. You should transfer it instead. The cancelation caused the domain to enter into redemption and this makes it harder to get it back.

    The good news is that it is still possible for me to recover the domain at this point and also I’m able to waive the $80 redemption fee as a one-time courtesy.

    I have already initiated the recovery process and I’ll let you know as soon as the domain is restored.

    After the domain is restored you’ll be able to transfer it elsewhere by following these instructions:

  • Hey mate!

    It’s my first time setting up a website domain and so forth so I was kind’ve figuring out as I went and made that mistake. Thanks for helping me out with that.

    I’ll follow the instructions in the link you provided & hopefully shouldn’t have any issues haha.


  • Hi there,

    Your domain has been restored and you can now manage it via your dashboard.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you.

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