Move to a WP.ORG Blog hosted at 1&1

  • Good morning –

    I currently have blog that I have been updating for years. I would like some more flexibility and *think* that I need to move to a format either hosted at home, or through my current hosting company, 1&1.

    I would like to include some ads, improve the commenting so that it reads more like a discussion forum, and generally open up possibilities for customizing my chosen theme.

    My questions are:

    – I did not see 1&1 on the recommended list of providers but it appears as though once I switch to their Linux package, I will be able to set this up – does anyone have any compelling reason that I would want to move everything over to GoDaddy? I have two additional websites that are hosted at 1&1, but could redo the content fairly easily.

    – When I do the export/import, will I lose my current theme? Assuming I will have to re-select a theme, would Garland still be available as a point and click option, or would I have to find a theme and manually “set it up”? How much effort goes into a theme vs. how we currently choose a theme?

    – Will I see any real benefit to adding ads to my blog, assuming ~300 unique’s a day?

    Thanks in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)


    Can’t really answer about your first point other than to say you can export your WordPress.COM blog content to whatever hosting service that you can install the WordPress.ORG software. You’d have to look on the ORG site for the requirements that your chosen webhost has to have to run WordPress software.

    On your second point, it’s only the blog content that is exported. The theme doesn’t go with it.

    On your third point about ads, sorry, can’t help you there.

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