Move blog title

  • Hi,

    First, let me say I am brand spanky new to html and css (htmldog beginner tutorials and a programmer ex who used to make me come look at his code as if I knew what it was whereby I learned a bit more than I realized…) and so it is a 110% guarantee that I am missing things and will need things explained to me as though I am A) very, very hungover and/or B) a single-celled aquatic organism (who speaks fluent English and a fair bit of French).

    The details:

    Using Book Lite Theme
    blog is new:
    At this point, I have loaded a header image and am pleased with its location.
    Using “Inspect Element” function in Safari I have found that the Blog title code looks like this:

    <h1 class=”site-title”>
    being the badger

    I have paid for the premium bundle and have access to custom design feature.

    I would like the blog title to be in the lower left part of the header, all on one line, and once that is achieved, I would also prefer it to be all lower case letters.

    I have tried a few different configurations of the minimal CSS I have come to know this evening in the CSS editor but nothing I do seems to change the position of the blog title and I have been searching through forums for a couple hours now with no luck.

    If anyone can help me figure out how to accurately reference this element in the CSS editor and make the desired changes you will be my hero and might help me become a two-celled aquatic organism in the process.

    Thank you very much in advance for any help on offer.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Please do not create a duplicate thread as this one will be moved to the CSS Forum for you where you can get the help you need.

  • Timethief,

    My apologies. As I say in my post, I am incredibly new to this type of thing and I spent over two hours working through different threads all over the place and doing different searches (through wordpress and through google) and I didn’t find anything that helped (i.e. to suggest this was a “duplicate thread”) except a series of suggestions from feedback other people received on other queries, that it would be best to go to the forum for my particular theme which is what I did in the end…

    I look forward to getting the help I need in the CSS Forum.


  • The thread will be moved and you will get the help you need, as soon as, those providing support work their way forward through the threads with the earliest dates and times to the most recent ones.

  • Wonderful. Thank you.


  • Hi Sulya,

    This seems to do what you need:

    header {
     position: relative;
    .wf-active {
     position: absolute;
     bottom: -50px;
     left: 20px;
     margin: 0;
     text-transform: lowercase;

    I hope that helps!

  • Andy,

    You are officially my hero, lol. Thank you so much for your speedy and bang spot on reply!

    I will move on over to more tutorials and aim to be at least a three-celled aquatic life-organism if ever again we meet!


  • No problem, glad to help!

  • The topic ‘Move blog title’ is closed to new replies.