Morning After: Title and Search bar/buttons misaligned at top of home page

  • OK… first time asking a question here. I have hunted everywhere on-line for a ready-written answer, but such is not forthcoming, so…

    I’m using the Morning After theme, but from the get-go, something has seemed wrong with the way, on the home page, the title on the left is higher than the search box and home/subscribe buttons on the right. The latter have been bumped to another level below the title block, leaving too much space all around, pushing the header mighty low on the page. Can’t explain it too well in words, but from what I see of the Morning After samples, the search box/buttons ought to be over on the right top, immediately next to the Title block.

    I don’t know why this looks like this, and haven’t a clue how to fix it. I hope some kind and knowledgeable soul will have a look and advice it possible. Thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’ll tag this for staff attention and to have it moved to the themes forum since they need to make an adjustment to the left margin on in #header #search_menu. I’m not sure what caused that to blow up, but it seems to be an issue with the original CSS.

  • @rkoobs
    Staff will deal with your issue when it gets moved to the Themes Forum. I just wanted to provide this link to a helpful post on your theme > Guide to The Morning After as I think it may be useful.

  • Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The issue is fixed now.

  • michiecat… I want to thank you very much. It looks great now. :-)

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