More font size options

  • Hello, good afternoon

    I would like to know if it would be possible to add more font size options in the Customizer font configuration part. I recently changed the theme and neither the “normal” size nor the “small” look good. Yes, I could change it editing in each posts, but I would have to do that with each one and that would be a lot of work. If it were possible to add more font sizes in the Customizer part, that would be everything!

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @heyleeeo, while I’m not sure whether the customizer will add more granular options, you can certainly have a whole new world of options via CSS. That comes with our Premium plan, so if you’re interested in that and want to adjust some fonts site-wide, let us know.

    Also, if the existing customizer options aren’t actually resizing the fonts for you, let us know and we’ll take a look. Is small too small and normal is too large, or is it that they aren’t applying the way you expect?

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