Modularity lite – slideshow

  • Hey there, looking for some help to get the slideshow up and running.
    As of now, it’s got the blank space ready but displayed nothing at all.

    I know this has been a topic of discussion many times and its raised lots of problems.

    I’ve sized the images correctly before uploading them in multiple posts

    Made them feature images,

    Uploaded images on their own.. but nothing seems to work

    Feeling a bit stuck in the mud just now

    Any help would be greatly appreciated,


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The problems you refer to are are not with the theme as far as I can tell. Form what I read they appear to be with the reading comprehension of the bloggers who experienced them.

  • Modularity Lite – detailed theme description

    The standout feature of Modularity Lite is its beautiful home page slideshow. Each photo in the slideshow will be a whopping 950 pixels by 425 pixels. That’s huge! To get it working, first click Yes! I’d like to enable the optional home page slideshow in Appearance → Theme Options from your dashboard and click Save Options. Next make sure some of your recent posts have really large images–at least 950 pixels by 425 pixels. It’s the first image in your post that will be used for the slideshow image. The number of slideshow images will match the number of blog posts showing on your home page. You can change that number from your dashboard at Settings → Reading.

    And that’s it! Once you’ve started adding large images to your recent posts, the Modularity Lite theme will take care of the rest!

  • P.S. I apologize for the typos above.

    Image sizes are critical when it comes to display. Are you sure the images you uploaded are the exact dimensions specified by the theme designer?

  • Yes, just double checked there and tried uploading another image. Right click > View image info. Shows as 950 x 425px..

  • I tagged this thread for Themes Staff attention. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • The passage timethief quoted is sloppily written. What does “have really large images” or “first image in your post” mean? The ML slideshow doesn’t display an image if it’s the first image you have inserted in a post, it displays it if it’s the first image you have uploaded from your computer to your blog via the Add Media tool of that post. If your images don’t show in the slideshow, then you didn’t upload them this way.

  • I agree, the passage is more of a rough guide rather than a specific set of instructions.

    Thank you timethief and justpi for you help.

    I followed your instructions regarding the add media tool and it worked first time, no hitches.

    Seems like a rather difficult/specific way of getting it to work compared to how they advertise it in all honesty.

  • One more query, I take it getting images from static pages to display is out of the question?

    Thanks again both of you!

  • You’re welcome.

    Yes, it’s out of the question: the ML slideshow displays images you have uploaded to the posts that show on the main posts page.

    As for the passage, it’s quite misleading in my opinion: to the average user, “the first image in your post” probably means the first image you can see when you view that post. But as I explained, the ML slideshow doesn’t bring up an image you have inserted in a post, it brings up an image you have uploaded to the post (no matter if and where you insert it).

    has nothing to do with what you have inserted, it has to do with what you have uploaded

  • Oops – last paragraph shouldn’t be there!

  • I see, thanks again for clarifying :)

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