modify DNS records in bulk

  • I need to modify DNS and TXT records for over 700 domains. How can I modify DNS records in bulk?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Thanks for reaching out! I’m not certain whether you’re able to update those records yourself or if we need to assist you with that. I’ve forwarded your request to our domains team for clarification.

    While we’re waiting for their response, could you please provide more details about the DNS and TXT records you need to update? Once we have that information, we’ll be able to provide more specific guidance.

    Thanks for your patience, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we have more information!

  • @usdtxyz, I’ve noticed that you have an ongoing email thread with us regarding another domain. We’ve already responded to that email, addressing your concerns about the stuck domain transfer and providing the DNS/TXT information you requested.

    Since we’re handling this matter through email, I’ll consider this forums issue resolved.

    Please keep an eye out for our response in your inbox!

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your assistance. You have saved me a lot of trouble.

    I hope that your company will develop a domain batch operation feature as soon as possible. This feature would allow users to perform actions such as batch DNS modification, batch resolution, and batch renewal. All of the major platforms that I have used have domain batch management functions.

    I believe that this feature would be a valuable addition to your platform and would make it even more attractive to potential customers.

    Thank you for your consideration.



  • @usdtxyz we appreciate the suggestion and we’ve made sure to add it to our feature requests. We can’t guarantee we’ll add it but we appreciate you explaining why it would be helpful.

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