Mobile theme not displaying

  • Why isn’t the mobile theme displaying? I’ve enabled it but its still not showing up online.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You are off on a wrong track. The mobile ready theme is default and a completely different theme that you do not need to enable at all. Spun is a responsive layout theme.

    A responsive layout theme adapts to different screen sizes so that your website will work (and be optimized for) iPhones, iPads, Android and other mobile devices. When responsive width themes are viewed on mobiles sidebars appear below the posts in order to provide as much space as possible for reading.

    As I said above the mobile theme is a completely different theme. When we use a responsive theme we disable the mobile theme. Go to > Appearance > Mobile and disable the mobile theme

  • That all makes sense. Thank you very much! Its been a long time since I’ve really used WordPress and I’m still getting the hang of it again. You rock!

  • Thanks for the praise. Glad to help. :) best wishes with your blog.

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