Mobile Testing

  • Hi!

    I’m working on a WordPress site. When I preview mobile versions on my desktop, it looks fine. When I visit the website on my phone, it also looks fine and matches what I see in the preview. However, at the bottom of the page, it says “Go to mobile version”. If I click this, everything gets messed up: colors disappear, elements end up on top of each other, and so forth.

    I’m confused. It looks like it already goes to the mobile version by default, so why is it asking me to take it to the mobile version again? How do I fix this so that the “mobile version” still works on my phone?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Since you have a Business plan, you also have access to priority email and live chat support where you can get help more quickly than by posting to the free support forums. Could you reach out to them from your account page so they can log into your site’s backend and better advise?

    We don’t have access to your site’s backend on the free support forums, but I’m positive they can get you sorted there.


  • Thanks, I’ll ask them!

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