Mobile gallery

  • Hello! I have an image gallery on my site; I really love the layout of it on the desktop version (three columns, varying dimensions), but on the mobile version of the gallery, it is all in one column. I realize that this may be the gallery being mobile responsive, but I would prefer if it were in two or three columns on the mobile version. Is there any way to edit this? I am open to using CSS, I would just need some heavy guidance on it, haha, as I am pretty new to code.

    Thanks so much!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    Just to confirm, are you referring to this page?

    If yes, you can prevent this issue by deactivating a specific option within the Columns Block. This adjustment should make the gallery appear on mobile similar to how it does on desktop:

    However, if you require further customization, I would recommend considering hiring a developer, as this involves custom CSS which is beyond the scope of support we can offer here at

    You might find a platform like Codeable useful for this purpose.

    I hope this information is helpful to you!

    Should you have any other questions, please feel free to share!

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