Mistaken Top Level Domain

  • Hello, I have been operating my blog since 2019. I have the site registered with Bing, Google, and Yandex for indexing and analytics purposes.

    Recently (since September), I have been receiving analytics reports saying my blog is in violation of spam/excessive advertising rules for Yandex search.

    It seems the website “https://home.blog” is incorrectly being identified as a top-level domain of my website “https://kasanje.home.blog.” To the best of my knowledge, these are both generic WordPress-issued URLs. The violations are occurring on the “https://home.blog,” site and not my own.

    Since the issue started, I have noticed a drop in traffic originating in East European countries, which previously were a significant source of traffic for my work.

    I have been in contact with Yandex support and they have repeatedly referred me to contacting WordPress on this problem.

    Does anyone know how I can go about resolving this issue?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there, .home.blog is indeed the top level domain for kasanje.home.blog — yours is a subdomain there. Did you want to use a custom domain instead? If so, that’s possible with any of our paid hosting options. The Personal Plan would work nicely.

    Regarding spam, though:

    The violations are occurring on the “https://home.blog,” site and not my own.

    If you have more specific information on that we can share it with our teams; thanks in advance! Also:

    Since the issue started

    Please let us know when the issue started; that seems relevant to finding the most helpful solution. Thank you!

  • On my Yandex webmaster dashboard, I have received notice that my blog (kasanje.home.blog) is in violation of spam/advertising rules. However, the violation is not from my site but from the top-level domain (home.blog) which I am not in control of.

    @supernovia Could you contact the operator of .home.blog and ask them to remove the spam present on their site?

  • @parkdanil, can you have a look at https://home.blog/ and let us know what spam you see there? I’m not finding any, so I’m not sure whet they are referring to.

    If you click on “Learn more about the violation” do they share any specifics there?

  • @supernovia The “learn more” link just goes to a page describing what triggers the warning (https://yandex.ru/support/webmaster/yandex-indexing/webmaster-advice.html).

    I also don’t see anything on that website that I would consider to be spam or advertising. There may not be an answer to my issue.

  • Hi there,

    In this case it appears that yandex has made a ‘false positive’ in that they’ve incorrectly identified a site they think contains spam, even though it does not.

    We’re not able to do anything to clear this on our end, but I do see that Yandex kinda has a history of doing this: https://www.google.com/search?q=yandex+false+positive

    To resolve the issue you may need to contact Yandex support (I see they provide a contact link in your screenshot) and ask them to review and hopefully reverse the decision on their end.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • @staff-totoro Okay, I understand. I will contact Yandex and see if they can clear this up for me. It sounds like they will understand what happened if I say it was a “false-positive.”

    @supernovia I appreciate all the help.

  • @staff-totoro I got an update from Yandex. I shared your response about the false positive error with their support staff.

    They have said that they do not manually impose or remove restrictions. Since the restriction appeared on the “home.blog” domain, the same restriction will apply to all subdomains, not just my blog.

    I hope WordPress, as the domain owner, can contact Yandex and clear up this issue.

  • Thanks for clarifying. The screenshot you provided, is that from Yandex Webmaster tools? Or is that visible elsewhere that we can see? I’ve reported this to our domains team for a closer look, thanks.

  • The screenshot was taken from my webmaster dashboard on Yandex. I don’t think you can see it without being signed in to my account.

    The following public-facing Help articles are listed on the alert: https://yandex.ru/support/webmaster/threats/lowqualitysite.html & https://yandex.ru/support/webmaster/yandex-indexing/webmaster-advice.html

    Theoretically, any subdomain of ‘home.blog’ that has access to the Yandex Webmaster tools should be able to see the notification.

  • Thanks @parkdanil. We’re hoping to get more info from Yandex, too, since the main home.blog address is obviously okay. I’m wondering if it’s some subdomain there that’s problematic, but we’ll need them to let us know which one.

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