Missing post -again.

  • 05/15/2006, approx. 14:00. I publish my latest post. It appears neither on my blog nor in “Dashboard”, but it appears in “Manage”.

    05/16/2006, approx. 01:00. Still not published on my blog neither appears in “Dashboard”. I change timestamp (current time, not future). Nothing happens. I republish, and republish, and republish. Nothing happens. I send feedback.

    05/16/2006, approx. 13:00. Feedback answered. My post is published on my blog and I see it in “Dashboard”. I edit it, I publish it and it disappears again both off my blog and a few minutes later off “Dashboard” too.

    I had this problem before. In fact, I have this problem all the time. Till now, however, the posts were being published on my blog a few hours after I had published them. This time it takes for ever. I read previous related topics on this problem. Nothing helped. Thank you.

  • Things seem to be working ok now.

  • I have the same problem, and it’s happened several times. Once I was able to solve it by deleting the original post, creating a new one, and cutting-and-pasting into the new post, which I managed to publish properly.

    I did something similar to bizwriter – changed the timestamp, changed my timezone, re-published several times – and the post is STILL not showing up.

    How do I solve this?

  • Is it showing up on your Dashboard -> Manage -> Posts page?

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