missing pictures

  • I post a review with added pictures come back the next day and all the pictures are missing, it is seriously ticking me off, so much so that i have set up another blog elsewhere if the problem can be rectified i will stay, I am trying to build links between my website and blog, it is painstaking work and having to repeatedly come here and put back the images is getting very old.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Are the images hosted on someone else’s servers ie. are you hotlinking to images? Or are you actually uploading them into your site so they are on wordpress.com servers?

    Go to this Media Library link and witness how much of you free space allocation you have used http://darkanddirtybookblogging.wordpress.com/wp-admin/upload.php

    Images and media you upload into your media library and embed into posts and pages are on wordpress.COM servers. They remain visible unless or until you delete them from your media library. Deleting them from your media library also removes them from every place you embedded them in the blog and leaves behind broken links.

    Staff cannot restore images you delete from your Media Library. You have to upload them all again, and then fix every broken image link in every post/page it was embedded into previously.

    If you upload lots of images you can exhaust that free space allocation quickly. Currently, the only way to get an extra space allocation after you upload the images again, is to purchase an upgrade bundle. https://en.support.wordpress.com/space-upgrade/

    Additionally, if the missing images are ones hosted on servers somewhere else that you hot linked to, the owner of the site that has the images on its servers can prevent display so their bandwidth is not being used by you or their viewers.

  • If you want Staff to investigate then you will have to post the URLs of the posts with missing images here and then type modlook into the sidebar tags on this thread. https://en.support.wordpress.com/getting-help-in-the-forums/#how-do-i-get-a-moderatorstaff-reply-for-my-question

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