Missing followers

  • Good evening,

    I’m coming to you regarding my blog http://readbetweentheskylines.wordpress.com

    I’ve changed my blog’s name a few days ago and everything was good until today; all my followers seem to have disappeared. I used to have 201 followers, and while navigating my stats I received a notification saying that I had a new follower. When I clicked on the ‘201 followers’ to see in the list the new name of that person and the list only showed 2 followers (the new one and myself). I went back on my stats page and it only says ‘5 followers’, the two previously mentioned as well as three persons who subscribed by email years ago.
    Can anyone help me with that?

    Also, now when I post an article or a comment, my name is no longer visible (it used to be Laurie @readbetweentheskylines) you can only see the full URL of the website.

    If anyone could help me on those two matters.
    Thank you so much in advance, kind regards,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’m sending you some screenshots that could help you


  • Thanks for the screenshots!

    For the subscribers, the good news is you haven’t actually lost any. You’ve always only had those 5 up until now. But! The total also includes all followers of any Publicize-connected Facebook and Twitter pages.

    You no longer have Publicize connected to anything, hence those being removed from the total. Simply re-connect Publicize to what it was connected before, and the total will return to what it was before: https://en.support.wordpress.com/publicize/

    In the Reader, your site’s URL is displaying instead of the title, because you haven’t saved a title for the site yet: https://wordpress.com/settings/general/readbetweentheskylines.wordpress.com

    On the comments, we’ll use your profile details at https://wordpress.com/me and the Web Address at https://wordpress.com/me/account but what you have in the screenshot are forum replies where we’ve always only used the username.

  • Hello,

    What you’re saying about the connected social media cannot be possible because I don’t have Facebook, and even though I have a twitter account (that I almost never use and I have only 20 followers there) I never connected it to my blog. My twitter is personal and I mainly uses it for content in french whereas my blog is only focusing on books and it’s in English, I wouldn’t have connected them

    However, I did have 200 followers that I gained slowly and painfully over the course of the three years I’ve been blogging. I saw them coming one by one and it’s people I’ve always interacted with through their WordPress blog. Every time a new person followed me, I received a notification saying “xxxx subscribed to your blog xxxx.wordpress.com”. It really has nothing to do with my social media.

    If you look at the stats and the comments and the likes on my blog, it really cannot be any other way than me having those 200 followers through WordPress and not any social media.

    I honestly think that both my problems related to the fact that I changed my blog name (it used to be http://acourtofbooksweb.wordpress.com) and bought a new theme (Rosalie) two days ago. I wanted to upgrade my blog so I did both those things on the same day and ever since my blog has not been having the same.

    + Concerning “In the Reader, your site’s URL is displaying instead of the title, because you haven’t saved a title for the site yet:” my previous blog didn’t have a title either because I didn’t like the way it looked on my front page, and yet it still looked normal on the Reader.

    + Concerning “On the comments, we’ll use your profile details and the Web Address”, well, I know that’s what I used to have but no longer have now. I literally changed nothing else than my blog’s name, and when I posted articles/when I commented, it used to say Laurie @acourtofbooksweb, I want it now to say Laurie @readbetweentheskylines and it just says “http://readbetweentheskulines.wordpress.com” like in this image I sent you https://ibb.co/vvDLjr7

    I hope this message will be clear, if you need to contact me by phone you can call me at [redacted by staff]

    Thank you in advance for your help

  • Hi Laurie,

    Please don’t post personal contact information like phone numbers in our public forums. We don’t provide phone support on WordPress.com.

    This is related to your site address change, but those followers are not gone – if you view your site’s Reader feed at https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/102880072 you’ll see the correct number of followers showing there, and all those followers are still seeing your most recent posts in their Reader feeds.

    So essentially it’s just the follower list under People that’s broken.

    We realise this is frustrating, but it’s not something our developers are able to fix at this time. I have reported this to them, though.

    my previous blog didn’t have a title either because I didn’t like the way it looked on my front page, and yet it still looked normal on the Reader.

    This might be related to the same issue that’s causing your follower count to not appear.

    Regardless, not having a site title is not recommended – the site title is also used by both the Reader and by search engines to index your site, and not having one set can negatively impact your site’s visibility in searches.

    You can set a title, and hide it, using the option under Site Identity in the Customizer. That way the title will exist in the HTML headers where search engines and the Reader looks for it, but it won’t be visible on the site.

    I know that’s what I used to have but no longer have now. I literally changed nothing else than my blog’s name, and when I posted articles/when I commented, it used to say Laurie @acourtofbooksweb, I want it now to say Laurie @readbetweentheskylines and it just says “http://readbetweentheskulines.wordpress.com” like in this image I sent you https://ibb.co/vvDLjr7

    The screen shot you include here shows the site address in the Reader feed, and nothing related to comments.

    Can you please clarify where you’re seeing the wrong info in comments?

  • I’m sorry I didn’t know my post was public.

    My 2 followers from yesterday + one new I had today disappeared again. It was reset just now once again as you can see here: https://ibb.co/yfNwSW5

    The two followers I had yesterday were my sister and myself so I know that it’s not unsubscribing but really a glitch. You said that the people are still seeing my updates but I don’t think that’s the case as you can see here on my feed even though I published an article 12 minutes ago so it should appear on my own feed https://ibb.co/dfDM44J as it used to.

    It doesn’t appear on here https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/102880072 and my sister is not seeing them either.

    Even though the number of followers that you can see here https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/102880072 has grown accordingly, I’m pretty sure they don’t see my posts.

    Concerning the comments, it’s now fixed, but even though I added a title and hid it just as you recommended, but I’m not sure it’s fixing it because my blogs address is still written here https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/102880072 in place of my blog name.

  • I just contacted my sister, my newest article doesn’t appear in her reader either.

  • The cache was just a bit behind on https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/102880072

    That’s fixed now. :)

    Our developers are still looking into the followers missing from your list. The good news is, they’re still following the feed, they just aren’t showing up in the list you have access to.

  • Indeed, it’s fixed thank you so much for that and I hope that the problem behind the missing followers will be found too.

    I have one last issue, now that my article is correctly posted and under the right name, there is no longer the possibility to ‘like’ it in the reader. You can see below the screenshots from my sister’s phone and my computer.

    I tried to disable and enable the ‘like’ but I think it’s only for the comment section https://ibb.co/yRb2RM8 Can you help me with this issue?

    Thanks again,

  • Hi Laurie –

    When searching for your site in Reader I can see { TAG } The ARC Book Tag post with likes enabled.

    If you sign out and back in to Reader do you see that as well?

  • I just signed out and back and unfortunately it’s still not working.


  • Hi there,

    For the Likes feature to work, they need to be following your new address (readbetweentheskylines.wordpress.com).

  • Hi there

    I am following myself when you look at the list of the followers from yesterday evening you can see I am the first: https://ibb.co/7GXm9zp

    However, I tried to go on my blog, and unfollow-follow back and all my followers disappeared, again https://ibb.co/yYhxzkL

    If it can help, here’s a message from a friend I’ve been talking to saying she has problems following me again and even though she sees my posts on her reader, she cannot like them nor follow me anymore https://ibb.co/yYgY30V

  • Hmm, this is what I see in the reader when looking up your site

    As you can see, I can like any post without issues.

    I noticed on your screenshot that you’re using Safari. Would you be able to check if this feature works correctly on another browser, like Chrome or Firefox?

    However, I tried to go on my blog, and unfollow-follow back and all my followers disappeared, again

    Don’t worry about this, you still have 209 followers on your blog, they are just not displaying under People in your dashboard, hopefully, it will get fixed soon.

    I have also looked up the friend you mentioned and I can see they have successfully subscribed to your site 6h ago.

  • It’s not working on Chrome either… https://ibb.co/w0fP9Ch

    I understand that I still have 209 followers, however, a dozen people followed me on my new address, is it still the case now that they’ve disappeared from the dashboard?

    Yes, my friend she finally did but she has still experienced issues with it.

    Do you know how long it might take to be fixed?
    Thank you for your answers

  • FYI, I just checked, I’m able to like the posts if I write the blogs name in the search bar, but in the reader it’s not working


  • It’s not working on Chrome either

    You’ll see the Like option as posts appear in the Reader, and when people see those posts in search results and tag listings. They won’t display on the specific feed itself.

    I understand that I still have 209 followers, however, a dozen people followed me on my new address, is it still the case now that they’ve disappeared from the dashboard?

    Yes, that’s part of the bug we’re looking into.

  • You’ll see the Like option as posts appear in the Reader, and when people see those posts in search results and tag listings. They won’t display on the specific feed itself

    Yes that’s why I’ve been telling you in my previous message, and it’s not normal since I’m able to like the posts of my other friends directly in the reader because I follow them and not with a search being made. Is there any way I can fix it.

    I was wondering if maybe the problems could be solved if I changed my blogs name to something else (and then, ideally, coming back to this one if possible)

  • The friends’ posts that you can Like, are you viewing them in the main Reader feed as they come in, or are you viewing them directly in the Reader (a listing of just their posts)?

  • Good Morning,

    I can see and like them in both

    but I mostly use the main reader where I can see all the latest posts

    For my posts, it’s not possible to like them in both.
    Also, yesterday evening I tried to repost one of my articles to see if it showed on the reader, and it didn’t. Is that normal?

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