Missing content

  • Hi, when I switched themes I seem to have lost years of content. All content for trevadea.wordpress.com Any way I can retrieve these posts, are they still accessible?

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    The theme presently active on the site is Blank Canvas, which is a retired theme, so you might want to consider switching to a different theme. Did you previously have your posts displayed on the homepage?

    I easily found post archives going back to at least 2010 by appending various years to your site address. These archives will be displayed at your blog page, if one is assigned, or by choosing the homepage as the place to display your posts. Here’s what to do…At the WP-Admin Reading Settings page, https://trevadea.wordpress.com/wp-admin/options-reading.php, where it says “Your homepage displays,” do the following:

    • Choose “Your latest posts” to display your posts in reverse chronological order on the homepage. You may also set the number of posts per page to display at Reading Settings > Blog pages show at most.
    • Choose “A static page,” if you want to display your posts elsewhere, and then select a page to be your homepage and another page to serve as the posts page from the two drop-down menus, labeled “Homepage” and “Posts page,” respectively.
    • Save your changes by clicking the Save Changes button at the bottom of the Reading Settings page.

    If you choose a page other than the homepage as the posts page, then you’ll probably want to add a link to it to a navigation menu. If your present navigation menu is a custom menu, then you may add a link to it as described in the Add Menu Items in the Customizer or Add Menu Items in WP Admin sections of the Add Links to a Menu support page. If it isn’t a custom menu, then you’ll need to create one in order to add a link to a dynamic page, or anything other than a static page, to it. You’ll find a link to the Create a Menu support page at the top of an index of menu-relevant support pages in the Menus support page.

  • If you choose the second option from the list above, then even should you not have a custom menu, and have the default pages menus displayed instead, I believe the menu item corresponding to the page assigned as the posts page might link to the posts page. It’s been years since I tested this on a default pages menu, so I’m not sure. You may create a new page to serve as the posts page.

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