Minnow Theme: How to replace the menu button with word "destination"?

  • Hi!
    Two things:
    1) I’m looking to replace the menu button (that slides out a sidebar) with the word “Destinations” or anything else – maybe even an image (if i want to use a special font for “Destination”)

    So far:

    .menu-toggle:hover, .menu-toggle:hover:before, .menu-toggle:hover:after, .menu-toggle:active, .menu-toggle:active:before, .menu-toggle:active:after, .menu-toggle:focus, .menu-toggle:focus:before, .menu-toggle:focus:after, .sidebar-open .menu-toggle, .sidebar-open .menu-toggle:before, .sidebar-open .menu-toggle:after {
        border-bottom-color: #ffff00;
        border-left-color-ltr-source: physical;
        border-left-color-rtl-source: physical;
        border-right-color-ltr-source: physical;
        border-right-color-rtl-source: physical;
        border-top-color: #ffff00;
        transition-delay: 0s;
        transition-duration: 0s;
        transition-property: all;
        transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
    	  content: 'Destination';

    Based on someone else’s question asking about how to change the color; but as you can see, this doesn’t really work :(

    2) I’d like to change the font style of the sidebar menu content – right now my cities are italicized, etc. I want to change that!

    Can anyone help? Thank you so much in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, let me try to help you.

    1) I’m looking to replace the menu button (that slides out a sidebar) with the word “Destinations” or anything else – maybe even an image (if i want to use a special font for “Destination”)

    .menu-toggle, .menu-toggle:before, .menu-toggle:after{
      border: none;
    .menu-toggle:after {
      background:       url(http://talksoverlattes.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/004.png?w=300) no-repeat; // change with image you want
      background-size: 100px; // define your backgound size
      width: 100px; // define your backgound size
      height: 25px; // define your backgound size
      top: 0;
      left: auto;
      right: 0;

    Please define your background size in background-size, width, height property.

    2) I’d like to change the font style of the sidebar menu content – right now my cities are italicized, etc. I want to change that!

      font-style: normal;

    I hope it will helps you.

  • Hi nizamilputra,

    That worked amazingly – thank you SO MUCH!!!

    I have one more question: now that I have my customized button, when I click on it for the slide-out menu, it remains highlighted in blue – http://talksoverlatte.com. Is there a way to get rid of the blue highlight? I have to click somewhere random on the page to get rid of it.

    Thanks in advance

  • How about try this css;

    button, button:focus{
      outline: none;
  • That worked perfectly! Thank you so much!!!

  • Hi! So far, it’s been working great. I noticed, however, on my mobile phone, the DESTINATIONS overlaps with my header image/logo. Is there any way to avoid this?

    Thank you!

  • Lets try with this;

    @media screen and (max-width: 40em){
      .menu-toggle, .menu-toggle:before, .menu-toggle:after {
        border: none;
        background: url('https://talksoverlattes.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/destinations.jpg') no-repeat;
        background-size: 150px;
        width: 150px;
        height: 42px;
        top: 0;
        left: auto;
        right: 0;
        background: none;
        margin: 0;
        top: 90px;
        padding:  0;
          margin-top: 50px;
  • So I added that, and it’s almost there… if you check it out on mobile app, the DESTINATIONS is still slightly overriding the top of “Latte”


  • Hi, the overlap begins around 500px, so let’s use a media query at max-width 500px and add a bit of top margin to the site-branding.

    @media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
    	.site-branding {
    		margin-top: 30px;
  • Yes!! That works perfectly! You and everyone else who has helped me are amazing. Thank you so much!!!!

  • I’m really sorry – I have one more question…
    On normal computer screen:

    Is there any way to reduce the height of the gray header space that contains my image + social link menu? I would also like DESTINATIONS to be a bit higher up – theres some awkward gray space right above DESTINATIONS.

    Thank you!

  • Also, in the sidebar menu, instead of “menu”, I’d like for it to say “Travel Guides” Or “Cities” or something like that. Is it possible to change that in the slide-out sidebar?

    Thank you in advance! I apologize for all these additional questions.. I’m learning CSS as I go and am learning so much from you all.

  • Thank you Richard for helping us out :). The staff here are awesome!

    Is there any way to reduce the height of the gray header space that contains my image + social link menu? I would also like DESTINATIONS to be a bit higher up – theres some awkward gray space right above DESTINATIONS.

    @media screen and (min-width: 35em){
        .site-header {
            padding-top: 2.5em;
        .menu-toggle, .menu-toggle:before, .menu-toggle:after{
            margin: 0;

    I wonder css media query for mobile screen that apply to “Destination” menu didn’t work anymore. Maybe because the code position, so it just apply css without media query. http://cl.ly/image/1c1h1h1W3j3z.
    Please check, but you can leave it if it’s ok for you :)

    Also, in the sidebar menu, instead of “menu”, I’d like for it to say “Travel Guides” Or “Cities” or something like that. Is it possible to change that in the slide-out sidebar?

    .slide-menu .widget-title{
        font-size: 0;
    .slide-menu .widget-title:after{
        content: "Cities";
        font-size: 20px;
        display: block;
        margin-bottom: 10px;
  • @nizamilputra thank you!! that worked like magic.

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