Migration of blog to self hosted site failed to migrate WP theme

  • Hi,

    I recently signed up with a self hosted provider and requested the free migration of my site, twosmallpotatoes.wordpress.com, to my new provider by a WPBeginner Happiness Engineer. I’ve received 2 emails now that the migration is complete, yet after clearing cookies/cache, trying to view the site, twosmallpotatoes.com, on different devices/computers and with different browsers, it’s still very much not transferred. Recent blogs aren’t visible, links to the new site still lead back to my old blog, and the WP theme didn’t transfer over at all.

    I contacted the tech team for my new service provider but they told me they can’t migrate over my theme (which I’d very much like to keep) or any of the widgets. They say only WP can do that.

    Any direction or tips would be much appreciated! I’m a computer novice so the issue could be something very simple I’m just not getting.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    I am not sure about the WPBeginner happiness engineers. You might want to reach out to the folks who got the site migrated with your queries about the content not being migrated properly.

    Regarding the theme, You are using the theme twenty fourteen theme. You can change the theme on your self hosted site to twenty fourteen theme. Just head over to the themes section (WordPress dashboard> Appearance >theme) and change the theme to twenty fourteen. You might have to recreate the widgets again.

    If you don’t get any help from the folks who did the migration, you might want to try the migration your self and start afresh. Delete all the content and start the migration, else you might end up with duplicates. The instructions you have to follow are here.
    This might seem intimidating, but it is definitely doable if you just follow the instructions one step at a time.

    Feel free to get in touch if you still have questions.

  • Ok, I might just give it a try myself. I’m so frustrated at this point I’m about ready to quit blogging. It’s turned from something I’ve been thoroughly enjoying for almost a year to an ongoing headache with a lack of space and now the migration. The reason I reached out here is because the tech who was originally migrating it stopped responding once he stated it was done, yet with lots of errors.

    Two additional questions…do you know if the embedded links (like to my Google maps in certain blogs and business links) should transfer over? As in, is it possible when done correctly? With the latest migration, none of my links transferred over. Also, should my photos transfer over with the same names/titles as they had on my old site? They transferred over with new names that are a mishmash of randomness. I don’t know if it’s an error or if it’s just not possible to transfer them as they are.

    Again, thank you for your quick response and encouragement!

  • Since you are now using the WordPress.ORG software & are no longer hosted here – You are not the first person to complain about poor work by WPBeginner

    You should address your questions to WordPress.ORG the keepers of the software you are using: http://wordpress.org/support/

    The forum at WordPress.ORG is not connected to WordPress.COM so you will need to open an account at .ORG if you do not already have one. You may use the same email at WordPress.ORG as you do at WordPress.COM.

    For more on the difference: http://support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/

  • do you know if the embedded links (like to my Google maps in certain blogs and business links) should transfer over? As in, is it possible when done correctly?

    Yes the links should transfer over with out any errors.

    Also, should my photos transfer over with the same names/titles as they had on my old site? They transferred over with new names that are a mishmash of randomness. I don’t know if it’s an error or if it’s just not possible to transfer them as they are.

    I am not sure about this, its been ages since I did a migration. I am sure the media should transfer, but the names might not.

    On a different note, If your are finding it so difficult with the self hosted site that you want to give up blogging, you should just probably upgrade to WordPress.com premium rather than self host. I’m guessing the difference of self hosting and WordPress.com premium isn’t that much cost wise, if you consider the whole year.

    Also as @timethief mentioned, the WordPress.org support forums(https://wordpress.org/support/) would be your new go to forums if you wish to stay self hosted.

  • Why are you migrating?

    What features did you want to add that are not available here?

  • @auxclass

    Since you are now using the WordPress.ORG software & are no longer hosted here – You are not the first person to complain about poor work by WPBeginner

    That’s such a bummer to hear. Even after reading up on the difference between WP.org vs WP.com, the different forums/support links that go with each, and then of course WPBeginner, it all still confuses me. I’m never quite sure which of my questions I should send to which forum. Gah! Computer stuff is NOT what I want to be learning about…I just want to travel, do photography, and blog about it!

    The forum at WordPress.ORG is not connected to WordPress.COM so you will need to open an account at .ORG if you do not already have one. You may use the same email at WordPress.ORG as you do at WordPress.COM.

    I think I actually do have a log in for both since I previously mistakenly sent a question to someone in the .org forum instead of the .com forum. I’ll check it out, thank you. :)

    @ simplysaru

    On a different note, If your are finding it so difficult with the self hosted site that you want to give up blogging, you should just probably upgrade to WordPress.com premium rather than self host.

    This was my thought exactly until I tried the 2 week free trial for WP Premium. For $99/year, Premium costs twice as much as a year with my new host provider (which came highly recommended by WP, btw), and yet it doesn’t offer the ability to install more than the few default plug ins.


    Why are you migrating?
    What features did you want to add that are not available here?

    I found WP Premium too limited, though I certainly don’t need the range of stuff available on a self hosted site. I would just like access to more plugins and more customization. For example, I would like a simple photo plugin that automatically downsizes photo uploads, allows basic editing, allows for quickly creating image galleries, and will watermark my photos. Another plugin I would like is a simple map feature. I’ve been using Google to create my own for hikes we take and other trips but it’s incredibly time consuming and doesn’t work that well. As far as I could tell, Premium wouldn’t allow me to do things like that. I simply wanted an image of myself with a little welcome message but couldn’t get it to work right on Premium. And I also didn’t like their default social icons plugin. I would like to (try) to monetize my blog in the next 6 months, so there’s that too. The next WP plan up on the tier might offer all those things but it’s $300 per year! In fact, do you know if the expensive WP plan does offer all those things?

  • You need to optimize your images before you upload – same with the watermarking – no upgrade here changes that. The Google maps can be a bit limiting – I have never really got the hang of the maps and what can and can’t be done

    The welcome message with a picture should be doable here

    Monetizing your blog – with a custom domain name you can apply for WordAds here – it is a revenue sharing service where you split the income from ads – you can’t sell ads here – no matter what upgrade – – note: most people that try and make money with ads on their blog loose money after the cost of hosting etc – takes a lot of traffic to make money no matter what program you use – you do have the ability to use text links and affiliate links to make a bit of money

  • You need to optimize your images before you upload – same with the watermarking – no upgrade here changes that.

    I just installed a plugin that allows after upload editing, watermarking, galleries, etc. I’m just started to play with it but so far it looks promising!

    The Google maps can be a bit limiting – I have never really got the hang of the maps and what can and can’t be done

    Amen to that. I LOVE Google maps for navigation and so many things, and mostly I find myself limited because of their free “My Maps” feature, and I’m too cheap (and currently unemployed in Switzerland, of all places) to upgrade with Google. A GPS would probably make sense because I mostly want to create trail maps of all the “off roading” we do on foot. It just seems like there should be a simple map plugin that allows you to create custom trail maps. I’ll keep looking. :)

    Monetizing your blog – with a custom domain name you can apply for WordAds here – you do have the ability to use text links and affiliate links to make a bit of money

    I’m not entirely sure yet how I would monetize, when, or how feasible it is, and I’m not likely to go with selling ad space. I like to have my content be my own and have my readers trust my info because they know I’m not paid by anyone. That being said, I love TripAdvisor and have been writing reviews for them for years, so that’s bouncing around in my noodle. And we’re avid kayakers so a long term plan would be to connect with a specialty kayak company in the US and be a paid ambassador for them. For that, though, I don’t even think I need to “monetize” my blog, since I think they handle all transactions on their site. I appreciate your feedback though and will keep what you said in mind. Thanks for your help!!

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