Migrating from custom built blog to WordPress.com

  • I am attempting to migrate an existing blog (running on custom built blogging software) to WordPress.com. The wordpress.com blog is http://tmcalumni.wordpress.com.

    The old blog doesn’t have any export other than RSS. All I need to import is the posts. Is there any way to get that into the WordPress.com blog?

    Thanks much,


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Do you mean you have a WXR xml file exported from the old blog’s Tools > Export page, or an actual RSS file? It has to be in WXR format in order to be imported into WordPress.com. If you have SQL backups, those can be used to generate a new WXR file.

  • You can import RSS into posts using the downloadable version of wordpress, but not with wordpress.com. When something like this happens to me, I usually just install a copy of wordpress on my local computer, import the RSS file into the local copy of wordpress. Once it is in there, I use the export function to create a WXR file to import into wordpress.com.

    Just a thought if you are comfortable installing wordpress locally or have a friend that can do it for you.

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