migrate subscription followers and stats from wordpress.com to self hosted blog

  • hi I’m trying to migrate my followers and stats from karenkinney.wordpress.com to karenkinney.com/blog.

    I’ve successfully installed jetpack and connected my two blogs, and tried to follow directions on:


    But when I got to the Settings>Subscriptions step there is no link for “Migrate followers from another site” there, it just has the “View your email followers” link only.

    I saw in these forums other people had same issue and you just migrated followers and stats for them, can you do the same for me?

    I would like to migrate both the “Followers” and “Email followers” if that’s possible. Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I have successfully moved your followers and your stats to karenkinney.com/blog/.

    Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you. I’m happy to help.

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