Migrate .com to a non-WP hosted domain

  • My church has been stuck in the 90’s with their website. I used WordPress.com to create some examples for them to choose from, and they’ve picked a winner. I assumed it could be built out on my test site, then migrated over once we installed WP on their existing hosting.

    I’m not finding a simple way to do this, so I’m wondering if my assumption is wrong. Can I migrate or will I need to rebuild from scratch?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @sj1starlingtest.

    This can definitely be done. It looks like your test site is the https://sj1starlingtest.wordpress.com/ site, is that correct?

    To move that site to another host, you can follow the steps outlined here:

    Make sure to keep the test blog up and running if it contains images that will be moved. The export process creates an XML file with your content, but the images are not included directly – they actually get downloaded from the original site during the import process so they need to be available for that process to work.

    Feel free to look over the instructions and come back if you have any questions. We are happy to help!

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