Meta Names and Descriptions

  • Hello there!

    I recently changed my site address. Except now, when I try to share the link to my Facebook, instead of the link coming out like “The Manuelle” for the title and “A comprehensive guide…” for the description, it just says “Blog Post” and “Visit the post for more.” respectively.

    It’s very… generic. In my former site address, sharing the link on Facebook shows my own blog name and blog description, so what gives now? Where can I edit this? I’m not picky and out to customize my meta names and descriptions. I would be perfectly happy with just my blog name and blog description.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Facebook caches the preview data from your site, and if you change something on your site Facebook has no way of knowing that they also need to update the cache on their end.

    You can force Facebook to do an update by running your link through the Facebook debugger, here:

  • Thanks for the reply, kokkieh!

    I ran my link through the Facebook Debugger, but the results are still “Blog Post” and “Visit the blog post for more.” though. No change what-so-ever.

  • Okay, it looks like you used to have a static front page on your site, correct? It appears you switched your front page back to showing your latest posts, but you never un-selected the front- and post-pages you had set. That can confuse Facebook when it has to get the preview.

    I’ve fixed that on your site, and then ran the link through Facebook’s debugger again, and now it should show the correct preview if you share the link.

  • Hi again, kokkieh!

    Yes, that was the exactly the case. Everything all good now, thank you so much! :D

  • Glad I could help :)

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