Meta links – Light theme

  • I’m using the ‘Light’ theme by Stephen Reinhardt.

    I’ve invoked the META widget as I want login/siteadmin abilities. However I don’t want links for entries RSS, comments RSS, nor

    I can’t find anywhere to tailor the links in this meta widget. Is it possible, and if so where?


  • In a text widget you put:
    <a href="http://">Site Admin</a>

    put your blog name instead of “blognamexxx”.

    for your site administration.

    The log out is an action and i am not sure how to do that. hopefully someone else does

  • Take a look at the coding of my meta widget on my blog. It’s a text widget, just as dlager mentioned above. I did it because I’m using feedburner for my feed and didn’t want that there.

  • Thanks for the replies gugs.

    Errr….if you’ll pardon the expression Viv, just how do I look at your meta widget?
    When you say you’re using Feedburner and didn’t want “that” there….you mean you didn’t want ‘what’??

    Am surprised that this is hard coded into the theme and not adjustable somewhere.


  • davy – you view the page source and you can see the contents of my text widget :) The meta widget is not hard-coded into my theme (no idea if it is in other themes) which means that I could remove it from my widgets in my dashboard. And then I added my personalized meta widget which includes as the RSS my feedburner feed (instead of the one from That’s what I meant – I didn’t want the feed.

  • Thanks Viv, I will try that, never dug around in source so not sure what to look for! (I thought blogs were kinda easy, like!)

    Err….what are ‘feeds’….??

    Oh dear, I do have a lot to learn.

  • Blogs are easy – it’s the operators that make them hard ;) Seriously, I’d paste the stuff here but it would be better for you to take a look yourself. That old “give a man a fish” thing, you know? :)

    And don’t worry about feeds yet.

  • Here’s the best place to start:


  • “Give a man a fish”….???

    Not heard that one!!

  • Give a man a fish and he eats for one day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime. Same applies to fishing in the FAQ.

  • Yep, that’s it ;)

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