
  • I am not able to get the top menu removed from my website. When I do remove it, it adds in every single category I have for the site to that top menu section. Any ideas on how to fix this? Website is Meet the Magic and I would like to have that top menu bar removed so I can move the other information up towards the top.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Is this what you mean?
    About »
    Articles »
    Discounts »
    Plan your Vacation »
    Strategies for Paying for Disney »

    This may be what you need: Display no top menu at all
    Click the plus sign to create a menu, type a name for it, click Create Menu, click Save Menu, select that menu from the Theme Locations pulldown, click Save.

    Your theme Traction is a premium theme and we Volunteers answering questions on this forum have no access ot them and bo knowledge of how they are designed to operate. When you purchased your premium theme what came with that purchase was support directly from the theme designer in the Premium Theme Support Forum. There is a link for the specific Premium Theme support forum under Appearance -> Themes in your blog’s Dashboard, but do note that the premium theme must be active and you must be signed in as the user who purchased it in order to see it.

  • When you looked at the site just then, you saw it with a blank menu with nothing included so I do not get the crazy header I was talking about. I will go over to the site and delete that blank header menu so you can see what happens when I do that.


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