Menu won't reappear

  • Originally I wanted only one page for my site so went to great lengths to remove any sign of a menu. Now I’m ready to populate some pages and even though Menus appear in the customize option for Penscratch 2, it won’t reappear on the page. This is at Thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Two different ways to make your custom menu display:

    1. At Customize > Menus, scroll down to Menu Locations and click on “View All Locations.” Then at “Header” select a menu and save the change by clicking the Publish button.

    2. At Customize > Menus, click on name of the custom menu to be displayed in the header area, and then scroll down to Menu Locations. Then place at check in the box labeled “Header” and save that change.

  • Correction — “a check” not “at check”

  • Thank you, this is what I’ve been doing but the menu doesn’t appear on the page. I have a menu with two pages selected for the header but it’s not visible.

  • Actually I just remembered I edited the CSS to not display the main navigation. Apologies for wasting your time, but I completely forgot this.

  • No worries. Glad you got it figured out. : -)

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