Menu problem with zBench theme

  • For some reason, the menu in zBench won’t save its hierarchy anymore and has actually screwed up some navigation that has been set for months now. For example, “Join the Fun” used to be a top-level menu item with three drop-downs underneath it. Now, it shows each of the drop-downs as top-level menu items themselves. Any help or guidance is appreciated.

    Thank you!

    April Denée

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Go to appearance > menus and check the custom menu there if you had created one. Also check that in the “primary location” is set you to your custom menu. Also make sure and resave not only them menu but the theme location.

  • Thanks for the quick response, thesacredpath. I’d already done all that before posting the issue to the forum though. I’ve also tested my other blogs to see if they have the same problem, but they don’t. So it appears to be a problem specifically with zBench.

  • It isn’t a problem with zBench. I just tried it on two of my test blogs and the sub menus with the custom menu are working fine on both of them with Safari, Firefox and Opera. Can’t check IE since I don’t have Windoze.

    Contact staff. There is something wrong with your specific blog, either an open tag issue or something else.


  • One thing you need to do is to put the stock wordpress.COM footer back into the theme. It is against the Terms of Service to remove it and your site can get suspended or deleted for doing it.

  • Ah, didn’t realize that. Thanks!

  • There might be something that staff update with the theme causing this issue. I can get the dropdowns back with some CSS trickery, but I’m not seeing anything in your custom CSS that would cause this.

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