Menu justified top right – options?

  • Hi Everyone,
    Is it possible to justify the menu differently? It is top-right at the moment (I’m not using a Theme) and I would like to try out different options to see how they look. I have tried the Sidebar Menu option but this wasn’t ideal as it un-nested lots of nested pages and looked untidy. It was over to the right where my Video widgets have ended up – I’m happy with those there. How about justifying top left or centre, or with tabs down the left? Should I be trying a plugin for these options?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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  • Hi there,

    Twenty Sixteen has a traditional menu in the top-right:

    So you would need to custom CSS via the Premium or Business Plans in order to manipulate the theme menus to your liking. Or, you can find a theme that has the placement you prefer.

    If you are interested in purchasing a plan so that you can take advantage of the custom CSS feature, staff and volunteers in the CSS forums would be more than happy to provide you the snippet you need in order to move the menu to the area of your preference.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.


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