Menu gone dead

  • At the top of the first (& every) page of my sites is the word menu. By clicking on it you can navigate to any page.Suddenly this has gone dead.Nothing happens when you click on it and you are stuck on the first page!
    As the author I have managed to reach other pages (which a visitor cannot) and there too on each page the menu has suddenly gone dead. Is this an external virus? Or have you done something?
    I want my visitors to reach pages.Please help URGENTLY.

  • Hi there,

    Of what site are you speaking? Please give the full URL, not just the site title.

  • The menus for the first three sites all function as expected for me. Perhaps it is an issue with your browser? Some extension or ad blocking? Can you try visiting your sites via a different browser?

    Solve Common Browser Issues

  • Hi there!

    I had a look at all your sites and I don’t see the issue you mentioned. The button with the word Menu will appear only on small screens, like tablets and mobile phones, but even when I check on my mobile device, the menu unfolds correctly.

    What device and browser do you use? You can copy the data from here:

    If you have not tried it yet, please clear your browser’s cache. You can find here more information on how to clear the cache depending on your browser:

    Solve Common Browser Issues

  • I have returned at last. Thank you for your reply.
    1. Your link did not give any information about clearing the cache. However, I cleared the history (as usual, is it the same thing?) and it made no difference.
    2. A casual remark of yours helped to explain but not solve completely.
    Years ago when I started, I used to get a scattered menu on top. I found that by pressing control-plus a few times, the scattered menu disappeared and a menu button appeared. Pressing this gave the menu vertically, not scattered. This on my PC, not on any mobile.
    Since then automatically the button appears and for years I have not seen the scattered menu. However your remark reminded me, I pressed control-minus a couple of times and the scattered menu reappeared — and worked. This means that the menu works, only the button does not.
    The button worked perfectly for four years up to and including last Wednesday, I am certain. On Friday when I started it did not work but went dead — it lights up when the mouse goes over it but is dead — suddenly on all pages of all four sites.
    What changes could you have made between Wednesday and Friday last that could account for this? Certainly I made no changes, I tried both Avast Anti-virus and Malwarebytes, and neither indicated anything wrong.

  • Good Morning –

    Clearing the cache is different from clearing the browser history.

    Open up your search engine of preference and type instructions to clear cache on browser instead of browser input which browser you are actually using.

    Let’s start with that and then move on to the rest of the post.

  • Thanks for reply.
    I have now cleared all browsing data which includes cache (marked separately) .
    My browser is Opera which has worked very well and I do not wish to change it or update it. They have not changed anything as changes are only made to the newest version (which will not match my o/s) so it is not the browser.
    There must have been some change in WP, perhaps the HTML or something.

  • Ok, please make sure that Opera is up to date:

    Next, please see if you have any issues after deactivating all of Opera’s extensions:

    If you still do, please let us know which version of Opera you’re running.

  • We’ve had all this out before. My version of Opera is NOT up to date and I have no wish to update it. Nothing has changed in the browser in those two days.
    To start deactivating bits of the browser and then putting them back is asking for trouble, I am sure to do something wrong and mess it all up, and even if not I know from experience that things that are deactivated and reinstalled do not always work, sometimes even because they are old they cannot be reinstalled!
    Please first let me know if you (i.e. WordPress) have made any changes in the period mentioned that might possibly be relevant. If not then it is not WP.

  • Hi @halilac, WordPress itself changes frequently, but generally this type of issue would be related to your theme, and I can see it has not had any recent updates.

    You mentioned this issue happens in Opera when you’ve got the font sized up large enough that the menu button appears instead of the menu we intend for desktop screens. Usually when I see a button that doesn’t work, it’s because it got overlapped by some other element. I could imagine that happening on a large screen that’s had its fonts resized.

    I wasn’t able to duplicate the problem here, but I did find if I make the text very large, the cookies banner overlaps the menu and makes it seem like the menu doesn’t work. Could you confirm whether that’s what you’re seeing?

    If it is not, please get a screenshot and upload it to your media library, then update us here.

  • Also I wanted to add, I’ve tested this in Chrome and in Opera. On both, I can make the menu work with the text increased, however the cookies and consent banner overlaps the menu if the text is large enough, and that makes it seem like the menu doesn’t open.

    Quick question too: when you “mouse over” the menu, does it change color for you still?

  • 1. The cookies banner is at the bottom of the screen and does not overlap. The menu button moves up and down as I wish, but it is usually on top when wanted.
    2. When I mouse over the menu button id DOES still light up. But when I click on it nothing happens.

    menu button appears instead of the menu we intend for desktop screens

    I thought the reverse, that the button was intended, and even warned visitors how to get it, as you will see on the screenshot.
    4. I will now get a screenshot from the first page of the first site, “”, upload it to its media,
    (you do not need one from every page of every site) and add here a remark ‘screenshot uploaded’.

  • Screenshot uploaded as above.
    Two unusual things:
    (a) I `lit up’ the menu button first, but on the screenshot it did not appear lit up.
    (b) There was no cookie banner. I did not remove it, it did not appear.

  • I’m not able to reproduce the issues you’re describing in the current version of Opera, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.

    To be clear, we officially can only provide support for the current versions of browsers and just 1 version back.

    Web technology changes constantly, and browsers are constantly updated to handle it. I suspect you’re encountering issues with other sites as well.

    In this case, we strongly recommend that you update Opera or use a different browser:

  • To macmanx
    The issue is not with the browser itself. On the contrary, with a new up to date browser it is always possible that those who run it make a change, but with an old one they do not and it does not change itself suddenly as happened last week. If it emerges from the browser, something external makes it change. I checked against anti-viruses and there is none.
    FRES and LIZ both tried to help but it did not work.
    SUPERNOVA made a VERY INTELLIGENT COMMENT AND REQUESTS which I followed up and replied to.
    You, on the other hand have gone out of your way to annoy me. What have I done to you to justify this? In an earlier thread I even searched the internet to find a greeting for you in Manx. I have made it quite clear that I WILL NOT change my browser, see my comment of Dec 16th.. Chrome messes up my site completely, and I have had to replace large amounts of open text with screenshots turned into graphics (which sadly Google cannot search) for Chrome readers. Avast browser destroys whole pages. It did this twice, luckily in the test site.
    I CANNOT update it without updating the entire system, and for very many, many reasons I WILL NOT do that!
    I did not ask for support, merely asked if WP had done something that could have changed it, either they did or they did not. SUPERNOVA answered that most probably not. Any change to the theme, especially with fonts, could force me to remake the entire sites.
    You are going on nagging with your obsession about the browser.
    I have no problem with other sites.
    I checked with another computer (a laptop for emergency) and the same happens.
    Either indeed WP made an unlikely change (Supernova could only say unlikely) or the problem is with another site which is interfering and there is nothing you can do.

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