Menu CSS Customization

  • Hello, I am using the Triton Lite theme and i would like to know if there’s a snippet for the following.

    Is there a way to extend my menu bar, lets say I try to add more categories into the menu bar (currently have 5 into the menu) and after adding more of those added categories, they go below the regular 5 categories. Is there a snippet to make all the categories be on the same alignment? possibly extending it to the left and right.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Howdie!

    You could try something like this:

    #masthead .container {
    	width: 1200px;
    #wpcom_social_media_icons_widget-2 {
    	transform: translateX(120px);

    This will make the menu bar wider with 240 pixels (from 960 pixels to 1200 pixels). But since the social media icons seems to be absolutely positioned we’ll have to move them manually with 120 pixels to the right.

    I hope this helps!

    Best regards,


  • It works perfectly on the computer but i noticed that the menu is not fully complete on the mobile version. is there a snippet to fix that for the mobile version?

  • Try changing the width in #masthead .container to this and see if this gets you what you want.

    #masthead .container {
        width: 100%;
  • Thanks for the snippet change.

    If you look at my main page there’s a post in the slider and 6 posts below and if you click on the navigated pages you will see that there will be the slider post and 7 posts below. I set up the blog posts shown at 7 but I will like for every page and category page to look even with 6 posts below the slider post like the main page and not 7 like in some pages. Is there a snippet or a way to fix that?

  • Hi there,

    No snippet needed for this one. :) You can change the number of posts that display from 7 to 6 via our older interface.

    To get to our older interface, add /wp-admin to the end of your site’s URL. Like so:

    From here, navigate to Settings > Reading in the left sidebar:

    Change the number next to Blog pages show at most from 7 to 6 and then scroll down to Save Changes.

    Hope that’s helpful! Let us know if any extra questions come up too.

  • I already did what you told me. Switched to 6, al of the category and navigated pages look fine with 6 but if you take a look at my main page now there’s only 5 posts below the slider instead of 6. How can we fix that?

  • Hi there,

    I did some digging and found the reason that only five posts display on the first section of your home page:

    When deciding which posts to display, Triton Lite works through all of your posts from newest to oldest and skip over any that are featured in your site’s main slider.

    As your newest six posts includes one featured post, only the five non-featured posts are displayed below the slider on the first section.

    I’ve reported this back to the team behind the theme as I agree it’s not ideal. I’ll let you know when I hear back.

    A workaround, for now, you could change the date of your sticky featured post so that it’s older than all of your other posts. The theme would then display all six of your newest posts on the first section of your home page.

    To edit the date of a post, select the option to Edit when viewing it and then click the date from within the Publish module. You can then change the date to an older one.

    Let me know how you get on with that or if you have any questions.

  • Hi there,

    I did some digging and found that the conflict between sticky posts and the number of posts that load on each section of your home page has previously been reported to the theme’s author.

    The issue was marked as a “won’t fix” as this is expected behaviour: The theme only displays sticky posts in the featured slider by default.

    The workaround that I previously gave is therefore the best option here: Backdate your sticky posts so that they are not included in the first few sections of your home page and all six of your newest, non-sticky posts display.

    If you have any questions on how to make that work, then we’re right here.

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