Menu and Page Organisation – have I chosen the wrong theme?

  • Hi,

    I’m deeply frustrated! I’m setting up a new website using Sixteen Nine theme and I want to create two main (parent?) menus (About Us and Services) with a page for each and a couple of sub-pages beneath (i.e. with static content). Then a blogposts/past posts section.

    I’ve written most of the pages, put them into two menus and published them however I can’t see the menus on the homepage and I can’t find the pages unless I search for them. The menu options (widgets?) don’t seem to be relevant or responsive (for example the search field says ‘Twitter’ above it). also the content is all down at the bottom of the page i.e. people have to wade through the map and my Twitter feed to get to any of it, including the (unhelpful) menus.

    Have I chosen the wrong theme? Is there one that would let me lay everything out nice and clear, and that would let me see what the final page will look like whilst I’m creating it?

    Thanks in anticipation (and frustration)!

    The blog I need help with is

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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