
  • Hi, I want to know how I can change my site that I can add a bio on my Home tab and that my posts do not appear in my Home page but under the tab posts? I already created it so that it shows under the tab, but it still appears on my home page.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello,

    First, create a page with your Bio.
    Now go to Settings > Reading > Your homepage displays > A static page (select below), and now select the bio page.

    Now head to Appearance > Menus > Select the Bio page from Pages section and add it under Menu with the title Home

    Now add the posts category you wish to show under the Posts Tab on your site, and add it to the menu and name it either Blog/Posts/ or anything you wish.

    Hope you find this helpful.

    Best Regards,
    Syed H

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