MAYWOOD and BALASANA content option featured image

  • Hello, Im using both maywood and balasana and i have been pretty annoyed by the way featured images are displayed on each post… apparently there is a way to turn this off but IT DOESNT WORK.. when i check or uncheck the “content option” in customizer nothing changes!

    Any help?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Featured images are a feature of a theme and if you don’t want them to show on your posts, you would skip setting a featured image in the Post editor.

    If you don’t set a featured image, can you link us to a post where they’re displaying and what it is about them that is the issue here? Once we have that information we’ll be better able to advise.


  • Thanks for quick reply.. I see your point but, if I don´t set a featured image then when i link to my posts on social media it won´t show an accompaining image… also the related posts section won´t show any relevant image…. so at the end, i need to set a featured image….. I just don´t want it to load at the top of the post page…


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