Maximum Image Widths for Various Themes

  • Hello. I’m trying to decide on a new fixed-width theme and I am wondering how wide my images can be without being cut off, stretching out the display, or otherwise breaking the display in any way.

    In particular, I am wondering how wide images in the two Journalist themes can be. Both themes look to be pretty large, with is what I want, but I am looking for an exact value (in pixels).

    I’m aware of a FAQ page ( with some of this information, but it seems to be quite outdated and missing several themes. It would be great if someone could update this page.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Please paste the exact URL of your blog when asking questions here, or link your nickname to your blog (as explained in the Sticky 8 Things to Know Before Posting). We can’t help without that.

  • You don’t need to know the URL of my blog in order to answer this question.

    I am merely asking what the maximum image width the two Journalist themes on can support without breaking the display.

    Like I previously mentioned, the FAQ entry that I linked to does not contain information about these and other themes because it is outdated, hence necessitating my asking this question.

    Thanks again!

  • The reason we ask for a blog address is that a good percentage of the people who come here asking questions are not talking about a blog hosted at the wordpress.COM free hosting service, but about self-hosted blogs using the software downloaded from wordpress.ORG and the two are different in key ways and our answers here are in most cases not applicable to wordpress.ORG blogs.

    When it comes to themes, the themes used here are modified from the original so that they will work on the multi-user version of wordpress used here. In other words, the below sized might not apply to the journalist themes for use on the wordpress.ORG software, nor will it necessarily apply to other versions. I’ve seen the content area for different versions of a theme vary from version to version by anywhere from 3 to 50px, and in some cases even more.

    The widths below are for the “content” area from the CSS and does not in anyway guarantee that a 720 or 700px wide image will NOT break these themes. There could be a right or left padding defined elsewhere in the theme that effects width as well.

    Caveat emptor.

    V1.3: 720px
    V1.9: 700px

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