Maximum Execution Time & Page Hangups

  • I have recently taken over a WordPress project and the person who built the framework has entered a lot of erroneous code, I believe. Anyway, I have been tasked with figuring out a few things and I need help.

    Firstly, the website constantly hangs up and declares “Fatal Error: Maximum Execution Time Exceeded \\Filepath\SuchAndSuch.” Would a fresh install of WordPress make these errors go away?

    Also when I go to install a plugin/theme it will act as if the install is happening, but once the page refreshes to tell me the install was succesful, I get the page hanging up and looking like this: Alternatively if I upload the unzipped file via FTP, every time I go to activate the plugin etc. it gives me a Fatal Error on the WordPress back end.

    I am under a fairly tight deadline to sort this out and we are also looking to implement a mobile theme and these issues are prohibiting us from accomplishing the project.

    Any help and or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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