Massive bandwidth usage, after restoring to previous backup

  • Hey, if you’re reading this thankyou for taking the time.
    I’m helping with my friend’s family business, I installed a new theme and addons, put on an XML sitemap and suddenly we’re getting an insane amount of traffic from other countries. Pic related:

    Bandwidth usage is totalling somewhere near 400mb a day, and now my friend’s family business is getting greif from their host about usage, and naturally I am baring the blame

    At first I assumed it to be a hack working it’s way in through something I installed, so I wiped the hosting and the database, and restored it to 1 month before I touched anything.

    The bandwidth usage continues regardless it seems. I installed wordfence and theme security. It doesn’t seem to be stopping the ip addresses accessing us.

    Any idea of what I can do next? Preferably a free solution, or at least some information I can tell them so that they know what is going on?

    Thanks again. -Tom

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The site you are asking about does not seem to be hosted on WordPress.COM so you need to make friends over at WordPress.ORG the keepers of the software you are using.

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