Mapping domain to wordpress

  • Hi, Ok the scenario is this. I have my site currently setup in Google Site using Google apps and making use of the mail service in google apps. I want to now direct my domain ( to my blog while retaining use of google apps for my email. So far what I have been able to gather is that at my registrar I will point the name servers to wordpress. I then need to edit the dns settings in wordpress and enter in my MX records pointing to google. ( i thought that this step would not be necessary as it was on my registrars controller but I now gather its needed).
    My question though is do I need to enter txt and or CNAME records in considering that this was all done previously with my registrar? My domain is still controlled by my registrar not wordpress. I am not a techie so dumb it down for me :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • hi, sorry about that… it is a follow on from that post. I am very new to this and could not figure out how to find the previous post. basically my problem is that when it comes to using google apps for email, all the posts and support pages have plenty of info if you are starting from scratch and setting up a new google apps account, but I cant find anything that deals with existing accounts. So far from the previous help I have received I have been able to understand about the mx records, but now I am not sure about CNAME and TXT records. I would think that its not needed but then again i’m not sure. The more I try and read about it the more confused I seem to get.

    So thats my story… taking into account that CNAME and TXT is already with my registrar who continues to control my domain do I need to do it in WP as well or will just mx records suffice?

    thanks a mill and apologies for the duplicate thread.


  • For future reference: you can access previous threads in which you posted by clicking on “Welcome (your name)” on top of the forums.

    Let’s continue on your old post, okay? :-)

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