Mapped Domain not working

  • Hey,

    Yesterday I mapped (and paid for) a new primary domain. Everything should be set up properly however I keep getting an error message every time I try to load my page ‘This webpage has a redirect loop’-

    This appears to be a common issue with other users also, have tried to follow tutorials but to no avail. Apparently it might be an issue with my Permalinks, though there is no ‘permalinks’ option in my Admin toolbar.

    Really annoying as i had hoped to be up and running by now.

    Any help much appreciated

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello,

    Looks like you missed out on a step while mapping your domain to – you didn’t change your nameservers with your registrar, GoDaddy. To effectively enable domain mapping you need to change your nameservers, so that your domain will now point to Redirecting it to WordPress through your domain registrar is not the correct procedure.

    So, while you paid for the domain mapping service and got it enabled, you enabled a 301 redirect for your domain. Which means, when a user visits ‘’, GoDaddy (your domain registrar) redirects him to your (which is ‘domain mapped’ to your GoDaddy domain), which in turn redirects you to ‘’. The cycle repeats itself, and hence the redirect loop.

    So, to correctly configure domain mapping, you’ll have to take the following steps.

    1) Cancel your 301 redirect with your domain registrar. Here’s how to do this (directly quoting GoDaddy support):

    To delete forwarding, follow these steps:
    Log in to your Account Manager.
    Next to Domains, click Manage.
    Select the domain names you want to forward.
    Next to Forwarding, click Manage.
    On the far right you should see an “X” icon to delete. ^D

    2) Change the nameservers of your domain to the following values, by logging in to GoDaddy:


    Once the changes are saved, please wait for a while for DNS propogation. You won’t be facing any more redirect loops and your site should be working fine. :)

    I hope I’ve answered your question.

    – Hari.

  • Hari,

    Thank you so much for your help on this issue.

    Followed your procedure exactly and is now up and running (and I’ve learned something new in the process.)


  • I am facing the same issue, I have set the nameserver to wordpress server but it doesn’t work at all. I have posted several times but no one reply. :(

  • my domain is and my blog

  • @harrojapan

    Happy to know that your issue is resolved. :)
    And you’re welcome! :)


    Did you follow the steps that are mentioned in this link, to enable domain mapping?

    I checked your site as well as your blog. It seems you’ve only changed your nameservers and you’re yet to complete the remaining steps, i.e. To purchase domain mapping from

    Please note that domain mapping is a paid upgrade and should cost you $13/year.

  • Hey-

    Yeah, I paid for the mapping 2 days ago. Is the site not loading properly for you?

  • I’ve done the domain mapping steps on go daddy, trying to “map” on but i’m {not} getting to the payment page

  • @harrojapan Your site is working perfectly. :) I was trying to resolve @mohammadshihab’s issue. :) Apologies for the confusion :)

  • @Harishankerr… Thank you for responding. I could not move onto purchase-session because WordPress still found my domain not registered. I think the payment process will due after WordPress recognize my domain. :)

  • Hello

    I tried to map a domain I own but I get the message that this domain name is already mapped to a wordpress blog. The domain name in question is and I’d like it mapped to Can you help me please? Thanks

  • I once asked for a domain mapping which my original domain has responded that they have done their bit. I am still awaiting wordpress to conclude the mapping. What is going on?

  • @riethoekalmen Are you sure you followed the steps mentioned at:

    Also, how did you try to pay for it? Usually, you would need an international credit/debit card to make payments here in Could you please try again and let me know if it works or not?

  • @walthamstowbunny, I checked out both domains. It seems that you mapped to a different WordPress blog. That’s the reason why you are unable to map it to your So, to redirect, you’ll have to cancel your domain mapping service to first – so that you can map it to This, however, requires staff support. You can do that by either contacting staff directly or by posting a new thread in the forums with the tag ‘modlook’.

    Aside: It seems that the staff will not be available for support till October 21st, due to an internal reason. So you may have to wait till then for your issue to be resolved completely.

  • @ayokahair: Could you please specify the URL of your domain, so that I could dig deeper?

    Also, did you follow the steps mentioned here to map your domain?

    If you ran into an issue while following any of these steps, please let me know, so that I can support you accordingly. :)

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