manychat code

  • hello

    Can anyone tell me if the small business theme has the option to add the manychat code?

    if not what theme does?

    Thanks in adavance


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    From what I can see, adding ManyChat (in the form of buttons or pop-ups) involves adding some Javascript code to your site. The code that you can add to your site is limited. You can see more on this from the following link, but it is basically a small selection of HTML tags:

    This is largely because all sites on are hosted by, mainly on shared servers, and since adding code can in some cases be dangerous, one affected site can potentially impact and take down all sites.

    You also cannot modify theme template files on any plan, however with the Business plan you can add custom themes and plugins and therefore you can include Javascript.

    You can however add Javascript to a site using the software from and hosted by a third-party. If you see tutorials online on how to add ManyChat to a WordPress site, this is what they will be referring to. and are quite different – the dotcom version offers hosting plans, whereas the dotorg version refers to the WordPress software that can be installed on any self hosted site. Here’s a link explaining the difference:

    So in brief, no theme in particular will enable you to add any Javascript code snippets (even if it is a premium theme), however if you are on the Business plan you can use any theme and you will have much more flexibility with adding code snippets.

    I hope this helps?

  • @spiceformind

    See: as it is a chatbox/forum style theme.

    Another approach is to register a forum on the internet and then create a custom menu in your blog and include a custom link to the forum in it.

    We also have a single chatbox widget that will operate on WordPress.COM hosted sites. The widget allows you to embed a web chat in your WordPress.COM hosted blog. There are no other chat options I know of that work on WordPress.COM blogs at this time.

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