Many readers are viewing old posts which are no longer viable

  • I find that many people are searching up old posts which are no longer viable. Templates have constantly been updated; images taken from third parties have been removed.

    My fear is that some readers will not understand and think I have done a poor job and not come back.

    Should I take the time to remove posts older than some chosen date?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you think old posts have no value anymore, you can delete them or set them as concent.

    It’s not a good idea to take images from third parties. You just can’t take any image from the internet; it can cost you a lot of money.

  • Deleting a post means creating 404 Errors for both search engines and site visitors and most likely the original post has been linked to from search engines or other websites. That’s also something to consider.

    An alternate to taking the post offline when the information is no longer viable is updating the information in a new post and adding a notice with a link to the new post on the original post or creating a pingback from the new post to the original post.

    If you don’t want to update the information, you might simply add a notice at the top of the old post saying that the information in the post is outdated. That way your readers are aware of it and you haven’t created a 404 Error.

  • Thanks for your reply. I am not going to spend the time to do that much work. I just do not have time. I did put up a blog post warning of these problems.

  • Most imags I use are public domain and I am protected by “Fair Use” for others as my blog is an academic teaching instrument.

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