Manually display category on single post

  • Hey folks,
    I am hoping someone here can help, but if I need to post in a different section of the forum, let me know.

    I would like to manually insert the (dynamic) name of the category for which the individual post belongs.

    The theme I am using for single posts is absolutely gorgeous (esp now that I have customed the snot out of it), however, it displays the post category as sort of an afterthought; it is listed at the very bottom of the post. For this site, I need to have the category be more prominent than that as I want to be explicit on which posts are news, opinion, analysis etc.

    I have searched google high-and-low and have downloaded a seemingly endless stream of plugins in an attempt to accomplish this and I am stunned at how difficult/impossible this seems to be. So, I must be missing something.. Is there a shortcode or some CSS or a plugin.. anything at all that will dynamically insert the post category?

    The specific page I am working on now with the chosen template is here:

    So, for this example article, I want to be able to simply list the word “Article” on the side of the page underneath the authors’ name, but ideally in an automatic way that will update dynamically across posts (I have a plugin that will apply whatever I do to this post to all future posts) so I don’t have to manually add the text to each post. I am *not* looking to lists popular posts from this category or anything like that.. just the category name.

    Thank you!!!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Matt, this is going to require the creation of a Child Theme and then some additions to at least one, and possibly more, php script files. It would be best to post in the OceanWP support forum at and get some help from the theme author since we do not have that theme here.

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