Managed to delete my Navigation Bar

  • I’m very new to WordPress and somehow I’ve deleted my site’s Nav Bar. Not really sure what I did so can’t reverse my steps!

    Help appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The issue is, I think down to a ham-fisted attept to edit the header. I wanted to do something clever* with the ‘Salisbury Writer’ text. Any ideas, or pointers to put the navigation bar back would be appreciated. ‘Navigation’ still appears in the footer so hopefully all is not lost.

  • Hello there,

    Happy to help you with this.

    The navigation can be added back via Appearance > Editor > and click on the header to start editing.

    I’ve created this screenshot here to show you how this has been re-added:

    wanted to do something clever* with the ‘Salisbury Writer’ text.

    Sure, we can help with that – what are you aiming for exactly? Do you want it to be stand out more?

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Than ks for the reply, that’s what I was doing when I broke it! I’ve just re-synched the edited version of the header so that it replaced the ‘broken’ one. All done now.

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