Making the ‘Tag’ title and tag buttons inside both line dividers

  • Hello, for context I am referring to the franklin theme:
    I am trying to get the Tag title and tag buttons inside the same thing on the primary sidebar widget. By that I mean whenever I do it, a grayish line is separting them, but I want that line gone, exactly how the franklin demo shows.
    here is the franklin theme for context: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello, for context I am referring to the franklin theme:
    I am trying to get the Tag title and tag buttons inside the same thing on the primary sidebar widget. By that I mean whenever I do it, a grayish line is separting them, but I want that line gone, exactly how the franklin demo shows.
    here is the franklin theme for context:

    in this image, I am circling the part I want to have EXACTLY copy, but I am having trouble.

  • Here in this image, the circled part is the one I want to copy.

    Just as a reminder, I would like to know how to have “TAGS” and the actual tags in the same thing, then the line added underneath. Addiontally, whenever I add a tag it does the same one everytime so how do i switch it.


  • how do i get this on the primary sidebar exactly like the image above. I cant get the words TAGS with the actual tags . a line seperates them. ive been waiting for days for help now and ive gotten none. this is the franklin theme.

  • Hey there,

    Please don’t double post. It makes harder for other folks to help you.

    The grayish line is automatically inserted whenever a block is added. To “remove” it, you need to group the tag title and the tag cloud together. To do this, press SHIFT and select both the tag title & tag could then choose Group from the popped toolbar.

    I hope this helps.

  • when i do that it changes the tag bubble by removing it.

    how do i keep the bubble there

  • Unfortunately, that’s a bug as the theme hasn’t been updated for more than 2 years. I suggest you change to a block theme, as they are compatible with the recent WP and actively supported.

    This theme hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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