making my posting pirvate and does not appear in technorati blogs

  • Hi, all my blog postings are appearing in technorati, how to over come this as i want to make them privatee

  • You need to set this at Dashboard -> Options -> General and uncheck the search engines box.

    Hope this helps,

  • Yep you r right Drmike, that option is there, but if i’ve creaed a private blog using wordpress tool but not on wordpress that is option is not there in Dashboard, then how to over come that.

  • That you would have to discuss over on the support forums as our answer here would be different since we’re running a different code base than they are.

    Best bet would be either:

    – password protect your blog using whatever backend (ie CPanel, Direct Admin, Ensim etc.) that exists on your server.

    – or get help from your host on setting up a .htaccess file limited access to your blog and set up WP not to ping out to any of the services.

    Good luck,

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