Make Custom Menu show SubCategories

  • Is it possible to enable a Custom Menu to display subcategories?
    I’m using the new Twenty Twelve theme and I just discovered the Custom Menu feature.
    The problem is, if I add a Category to the Custom Menu, any SubCategories don’t show up.
    I turned it off for now. If you look at my page now you’ll see my custom pages showing up in the regular menu. And pages which are children of top level pages reveal themselves when you hover over the menu item. I was imagining that if I used the Custom Menu that the same would happen with Categories and Subcategories. I.e. As of this writing I have a category called “After Effects” and subcategory called “plugins”. I can’t get the “plugins” to appear under the “After Effects” when I use the Custom Menu as my Pages and sub pages do. Am I over explaining this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • DOH! I just figured it out. When making a Custom Menu you can Add another item and then drag it below and slightly to the right of what you want to be the parent category. Whew.

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