Lost my theme

  • Went to themes to see about another option. Inadvertently moved to anew one and now cant back to my original theme. Cant remember the name. Is there a way of recovering it?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    The theme you used to have is called Pilcrow.

    That theme has since been retired, but you can still reactivate it from here:


    However, please be aware that the theme being retired means we won’t be adding new features to it as they become available on WordPress.com, and should something break in future it won’t be a very high priority for bug fixes. So looking for a different theme at this point is a good idea.

    Let know if you have any questions about this.

  • Thank you. However I was hoping I would somehow undo what I did and just return to my original set up with widgets etc. Guess not :-((. Will look for a more suitable theme. Thank you

  • Thank you. However I was hoping I would somehow undo what I did and just return to my original set up with widgets etc. Guess not :-((. Will look for a more suitable theme. Thank you

  • Thank you. However I was hoping I would somehow undo what I did and just return to my original set up with widgets etc. Guess not :-((. Will look for a more suitable theme. Thank you

  • You can definitely go back to using this theme. It should work for some time to come, still. I just wanted you to be aware that it won’t work indefinitely, though :)

    If you’re missing any widgets, you should be able to restore them from the Inactive Widgets section here:


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