Lost my ability to edit

  • I originally was working on SCLok.com. I used elegant themes DIVI builder to build out the site, and edit. I set it aside once I got it where I wanted. When I reapproached the site, I no longer had access to SCLok.com. I was using Media Template to host the site, and still have access to/subscription valid. Can you please instruct me on how to regain access?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi sethhamm10,

    You are posting in the support forum for sites hosted with WordPress.com. You are using the self-hosted version of WordPress (WordPress.org) In the future, for this self-hosted site, you can find help at the WordPress.org support forum: https://wordpress.org/support/

    If you are asking where your login is located for your website, you can add /wp-login.php after your domain name in the address bar to go to the login page.

    Hope that helps!

    (Page on the difference between between WordPress.ORG & WordPress.COM: https://en.support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org)

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