Lost major chunks of blog content when previewed

  • Yesterday I wrote a whole blog..and when I previewed it most of it was gone! Rewrote and the same thing happened a second time! Very frustrating! Went back to a previous version and there was more there but not all. What am I doing wrong?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It’s been a long-time issue, and staff is aware of the problem.

    One suggestion is to write your title and first line, then publish the post as private. When you finish, change it to public and update.

    Or use an off-line editor such as LiveWriter.

    Or (in the text editor) select and copy all before you save to preview your draft.

  • Thank you for your suggestions.

  • If you created that post using the “Add New” on the main page for wordpress.com here http://wordpress.com/#!/post/ then what you describe can happen and worse still the draft posts may be lost and may not be recoverable.

    If you created the post in your dashboard here http://karenkoyote.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post-new.php/ then you may be able to recover an earlier post revision.

    Go to Posts > All Posts, hover over the title of the post, click Edit and check the Post Revisions module for previous saved versions of the post.

    If you’re not seeing the Revisions module while on the editor screen, click Screen Options (top right corner of your Admin page) http://en.support.wordpress.com/screen-options/ to activate it. Then select the post and page modules to include them. http://en.support.wordpress.com/modules/#list-of-modules Then you ought to be able to go here > Dashboard > All Posts > Posts and locate the post and recover it from post revisions.

    If you cannot locate the post for locating and restoring a post revision, and it’s not in your Trash folder http://en.support.wordpress.com/trash/ then you will not be able to recover it. http://en.support.wordpress.com/trash/#restoring-from-trash

  • I use a different procedure and it’s never failed. First, I draft the post in an off-line text file and save it. Something along those lines is always recommended. Then, turning to my blog, I DON’T use the “New Post” option in the admin strip. Many people have reported problems with that. Instead, at the left end of the strip, where the name of the blog appears, one of the drop-down menu items is “New.” Under that I select “Post” and I copy the text file into the edit window. Then (after adding the title) I save it and continue editing, saving, and previewing until it’s published. That procedure always works — at least for me.

  • I don’t do that. I go to > Dashboard > Posts > All Posts > Add new and type a sentence or maybe a paragraph and click “save”. That initiates the autosave and it’s smooth sailing from there no matter ho many time I edit – I’m a chronic editor.

    1.Create posts and pages on your own blog’s dashboard.

    2. When you start a new post, add the title, set it to private and then publish it. When you are done with the post edit it to update it and set it back to publish.

    3. The other choice is to get and use an offline blog client such as Windows Live Writer (Windows) or Ecto (Mac) and then everything is saved on your computer and when you are done with the post, you actually publish it directly from the blog client software. See here for offline blog editors so you don’t have to go through this again http://en.support.wordpress.com/xml-rpc

  • Thank you everyone! Tried tips and got it up..thanks again!

  • Hooray! I’m so happy to read that. :)

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